Removes Loot Respawn From Some Containers Or Cells While this alters few vanilla records, its best to load it at the bottom of the 'Master Plugins' section. Should always be present in your load order. Optional plugins are divided into 3 categories:
Fallout4.esm and its function/description and whether it is optional or not. The table provides information about the respective plugin e.g. 📝 Note: Load Order as of Horizon 1.8.0.BETA-7 ❗ WARNING Most Problems are caused because of incorrect Load Orders (LO)! If you don't know what cleaning is, that is good. If you did this you will need to revert the changes before seeking help. If you are using other mods, they should be loaded before the main Horizon plugin Z_Horizon.esp, unless the patch replaces the mods plugin.
It is required to use a Mod Manager to ensure a proper load order while using Horizon.Follow the advises concerning Load Order explained in this Article.4 Steps to prevent breaking the mod or having issues.